16 December

I asked God what He was looking for. He said, “I am looking for gratitude’s home in My vast world.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

12 December

An unaspiring person always complains. There is no end to his complaints. He bitterly complains even when the blessings of opportunity knock at his very door.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

10 December

I want to be sincere. When I love the world, I complain of my poor capacity. When I love God, I complain of my sure insincerity.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

8 December

When you live in spirituality, aspiration is what you expect, but realisation is what you get. When you live in humanity, admiration is what you expect, but admonition is what you get.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

6 December

Keep your heart’s door open. You will become the purest man. Keep your ego’s door closed. You will become the surest man.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

2 December

I always say that beauty is soul-deep. Beauty in the outer world is the total transformation of one’s human nature. Beauty in the inner world is the perfect realisation of one’s divine Reality.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

25 November

You have lost nothing in losing your outer capacities and achievements. Simplicity lost, something is lost. Sincerity lost, much is lost. Purity lost, more is lost. Humility lost, your entire inner world is lost.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

24 November

I love my soul because it always inspires me. I love my vital because it always promises to be. My soul loves me for what I am. My soul loves my vital for what it can be.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

17 November

Pray with fear. God sheds bitter tears. Pray with love. God smiles with the Beauty of the Golden Dawn. Pray with all that you have. God wings towards you to clasp you. Pray with all that you are. God becomes your Liberation.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

16 November

I tell the truth. The world is hurt. I tell a lie. God is hurt. What am I to do? Silence. I must live in silence and become the smiling breath of silence. Lo, the world loves me, and God blesses me.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

15 November

Where joy is wanting, love is wanting. Where love is wanting, everything is wanting. Where Truth is, Fulfilment is there. Where Fulfilment is, God is there, there alone.

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem

14 November

“I do not compete with the world. I compete with my ignorance. I do not compare myself with the world. I compare myself with my soul’s perfection. I do not cooperate with the world’s stupidity. I cooperate with my heart’s purest sincerity.”

Sri Chinmoy, Meditations: food for the soul, Aum Centre, New York, 1970

Categorised as Poem