Supreme, teach me how to surrender

The poems on this page are from the songbook – Supreme, teach me how to surrender

The title is the first line of the Bengali song lyrics.

Ai ma shyama pagli amar

O my mad Mother, come, come!
Your mad son is crying for You.
Mother, make me free from all
Mother, my only aim
Is to proclaim Your Victory
And manifest Your Light.
Therefore, keep me not in the thick
Of attachment and illusion-forest.

– Sri Chinmoy


Alo alo alo

O Light divine, do kindle the flame
Of wisdom-light inside my heart.
The doubting mind covers my existence.
All around me, the world-laughter of disbelief!
O Light divine, do kindle the flame
Of wisdom-light inside my heart.

– Sri Chinmoy


Alor sathe alo haye

With the Light divine,
One I have become.
I have perfectly blended
In the Light divine.
All-where in the heart of the many
I swim and sport
With boundless joy.

– Sri Chinmoy


Amare karo ma shunya

Mother, do make me, my heart,
Complete emptiness life
So that You can fill it with Your Beauty’s Light.
Mother, capture me, my life
Within and my life without.
I know, I know, Mother,
My life’s teeming problems will be over
Only when I far transcend
My thought-world and my mind-world.

– Sri Chinmoy


Antare mor ananta rup

Inside of me is the beauty of endless forms.
Although in the outer life I am useless
And of no consequence,
O Lord of the Universe,
Do capture me and claim me
As Your own, very own.

– Sri Chinmoy


Anute renute sakala tanute

In atom and in pollen
And in human frames
My life abides.
All beauty am I, immutable am I.
I drink my ambrosia all alone.

– Sri Chinmoy


Bhalobasi ami atal baridhi

Fathomless white ocean
I love,
Boundless blue sky
I love.
I also love
To keep wide open
My long-closed heart-door.

– Sri Chinmoy


Chinta atite maner atite sundara

Beyond thought and beyond the mind,
O beautiful One, You abide.
Do fulfil this body, vital, mind and heart of mine.
May I have this sense of fulfilment
In all my achievements,
Taking shelter at Your Feet divine.

– Sri Chinmoy


Dharanire basi bhalo

Loving this world,
I have entered into this life of darkness-night
With the hope to transform this sombre world.
This is not my game, this is Your own world-game.
I bow to You again and again.
Smashing asunder my life’s somnolent door, Mother,
Today capture and claim my heart for good.

– Sri Chinmoy


Japi madhu nam shudhu abiram

I repeat Your sweet name incessantly, Mother,
O Mother of mine.
All that I have and I am in this life is Yours.
You are the only way leading me to my supernal Goal.

– Sri Chinmoy


Karo sundaro

Make me beautiful, make me pure,
Make my faith unperturbed.
O Eternity’s Beauty,
Your Feet are my haven.
Do allow my heart
To blossom at Your Feet.

– Sri Chinmoy


Ke jai ke jai

Who passes by, who passes by,
Blossoming the lotus with the touch
of His magic Feet?
Behold, He illumines my inner world
And inspires me in silence supreme
to dive within.

– Sri Chinmoy


Ke more bhulaye rekheche

Who has forced me to forget the real in me?
Who has forced my earth-descent, who?
Alas, I do not know!
I also know not where is He and who is He
Whom I constantly love.

– Sri Chinmoy


Madhurata jetha nai

Where sweetness is lacking
I am not there, I am not there.
Sweetness-discipline and sweetness-worship,
Sweetness-invocation I always do.
Therefore, I am in self-trance,
In sweet, ambrosial meditation.

– Sri Chinmoy


Mane prane dehe simar bandhan niyata amare dahe

The bondage of the finite binds me
And stifles my body, vital and mind.
Yet within my heart is the liberation-river
Flowing toward the endless and infinite Source.
Alas, power in the outer world —
I have none.
I desire nothing
But Your complete Victory
In my inner life and outer world.

– Sri Chinmoy


Mohalata mohalata mor abanir mohalata

O attachment-bond, O attachment-bond,
O my world’s attachment-bond,
The Infinity of the farthest clime is beckoning me.
O attachment-bond, O attachment-bond,
I shall meet with my Beloved Supreme
The day I leave you with cheerfulness-heart
And liberation-song.

– Sri Chinmoy


Mukti amar gan

Liberation is my life,
Liberation is my only meditation-peace.
When my liberation dawns
In the near or distant future
I shall discover God-Light in all the human beings
In God’s entire creation.

– Sri Chinmoy


Nai nai nai ami ar nai

No, no, no! I no longer exist.
What exists is only a fragile shadow.
And that, too, has lost its existence-life
In a golden lightning spark.

– Sri Chinmoy


Namiche aj ananda plaban

Today, the flood of delight
Inundates me, my all.
All my bondage-shackles
Are smashed and broken.
No more heart-pangs,
No more darkness-life.

– Sri Chinmoy


Niyata tomare chahina

I do not always want You;
Therefore, I suffer excruciating pangs.
Nobody values me. I am left all alone
In silence, worshipping the fountain-life.
Nobody will know, nobody will stop me,
Nobody will bind me.

– Sri Chinmoy


Prati chintai prati chintai

In each little thought,
In each little work,
In each little self-giving,
May I feel Your Presence
And may I move towards
Your Smile of Nectar-Source.
I am the comrade of the sun and the moon.
No longer shall I struggle
In the bondage-net of the finite.
I want to lose my existence-life
In the sea of Light and Delight.

– Sri Chinmoy


Sundara shib

O beautiful Lord Shiva,
Earth-children are invoking You,
Your Compassion-Presence.
Do come into my heart
Of love and service
With Your boundless Power-Light.

– Sri Chinmoy


Swapane asiya madhur hasiya

Appearing in my dream,
You grant me the life-illumining smile.
Do not go away.
Do reveal Yourself in and through me
By making my life complete
And perfection-whole at every moment.

– Sri Chinmoy


Tomar range rangiye dao

Tint my heart with Your Beauty’s flow.
Let me flow with Your Beauty’s waves.
Alas, darkness has covered my entire existence.
I swim in the sea of my tears.
Lord Supreme, do liberate me
From bondage chain.

– Sri Chinmoy
