Daily Spiritual Inspirations a été copié.
God wants from me
A very special favour:
He wants me to teach my mind
How to smile all the time.
Daily Spiritual Inspirations a été copié.
God wants from me
A very special favour:
He wants me to teach my mind
How to smile all the time.
Daily Spiritual Inspirations a été copié.
There can be no peak
That cannot be climbed
With my heart’s
God-blossoming hope.
I shall reach the pinnacle-height
Only when my life grows into
The fragrance
Of a self-giving flower.
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Every morning
The rising sun blessingfully looks
At my life.
Daily Spiritual Inspirations a été copié.
We must be aware of
The nature of trees:
Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice –
From the very foot
To the highest height.
Daily Spiritual Inspirations a été copié.
Nothing gives me as much joy
As the sailing boat
Of my silence-heart.
Daily Spiritual Inspirations a été copié.
May my consciousness fly throughout
The length and breadth of the world
In the skies of Infinity