Poems on Journeys


Lack of money
Delays your world-journey.
Lack of love
Delays your life-journey.
Lack of aspiration
Delays your God-journey.
Yet if you can remain happy,
Money-seeds will grow in you,
Love-river will flow through you,
Aspiration-mountain will wait for you.

by Sri Chinmoy


My mind likes
Long journeys.
My heart loves
Uncharted shores.

– Sri Chinmoy


Four unfinished stories
I must finish:
Man’s journey into the Unknown,
Earth’s despair-death,
Heaven’s indifference-smile,
Gods Perfection-dream.

– Sri Chinmoy


God-aspiration and God-realisation
Are the two journeys
That I am expected to take
All by myself.

– Sri Chinmoy


Do you think God will ever allow you
To destroy His transcendental
Of the ultimate perfection
Of your earthly journeys
Which He has been nourishing for millenia?

– Sri Chinmoy


Photo: Tejvan